Monday, 4 April 2011


Technology! - it'll never catch on...

My laptop wobbled and wobbled - and finally crashed this week. Enter Ed - technician extraordinaire and the 4th emergency service in our house, ever since Ben took to randomly deleting what we later discovered to be vital components of the family PC in order to make room for his latest game....! So here, at last, is the blog that should have appeared a couple of weeks ago.

It's been a varied week - painting the spare room in readiness for a lodger later in the year, babysitting 5-week old Maeve (arguably the cutest baby ever) and attending the commissioning of Resolute (more about that in a couple of weeks) - whilst also adding to Jogle and LeJog.

Helen was here visiting Chris and Rachel for a few days, so she joined me for a walk to Stansted on Monday and a ride to Idsworth on Tuesday. Here we are relaxing at St Huberts. The funny bit was setting the auto-timer - I'm sure you can imagine the antics.

 Then Jill and I squeezed in another ride - this time to Buriton. She showed me how to relax using a helmet and a glove -
and - surely not! - is that -
me wearing Lycra??!

Highlight of the week has to have been the walk to Chilgrove with Pam, Roy and Adrian to see the wild daffodils. The weather was lovely and we caught the daffodils while they were still at their best.

We finished with tea at my house - lemon meringue pie was my attempt at a daffodil coloured offering. I found out though that Roy's pet hate is cultivated daffs:

It's the end of the month, so the stats for March are:

walker     57 miles
cyclist      103 miles
BP           148/90

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